Proffee is a new innovative coffee that contains shakes or powders of protein. This coffee includes espresso shots, protein shakes, and ice cubes. You can add sweeteners to it if you want a sweeter taste.
Brew two espresso shots by espresso machine or coffee maker
Mix protein powder with water in a bowl or purchase a protein shake from the market
Pour iced cubes into the cup
Now pour protein shake into the cup
Add two espresso shots into the cup
Lastly, add sweetner or any other flavor to the cup (optional)
Stir your cup well to mix all the flavors
proffee is ready enjoy
You can use a blender to mix all the ingredients. It is easier to make your proffee coffee than mix everything by yourself. Mixing it with a blender makes it easy.You need to check the amount of protein you get when purchasing a brand's protein powder. Check the label to get the right amount of protein.