Hi, my name is Majid Khan. I worked as a barista for a few years before quitting to be a full-time blogger. Mostly, I write regarding coffee machines and different and interesting methods of coffee brewing.
Also, I test and evaluate coffee machines to make the best recommendations. I’ve been writing blog posts for many years. I write about home and kitchen products. Since coffee is my first love, I keep an in-depth blog about various coffee flavors and machines.
My ever coffee flavors are classic traditional latte, strong pungent espresso, simple black coffee, and other flavors with steamed and foamed milk.
This mylattecoffee.com will keep publishing interesting content in the coming days. I appreciate your support.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Call or WhatsApp. +923335550170
Email. mylattecoffee111@gmail.com
Website. https://mylattecoffee.com/