Half espresso half milk: Make a perfect coffee cup

half espresso half milk

Espresso is the first choice for many coffee enthusiasts. The taste, crema, and aroma of espresso have no match. But when we add milk, espresso becomes creamier, sweeter, and tastier. Half espresso half milk are the perfect combination to get a delicious taste and aroma.

You can add milk to espresso to reduce the strong pungent taste. Every flavor adds a different volume of milk. Popular drinks like latte cappuccino add more milk and less espresso. Other flavors add a small volume of milk.

Without adding milk to espresso has a strong pungent taste. Some may not like the taste so adding milk to espresso will give a smoother taste.

Which drink perfectly fits the half espresso, half milk criteria?

You may prefer espresso in its pure form or you may want to add milk or other flavors. Generally, most flavors add milk to the espresso shot. It depends on what type and volume of milk you add will determine the taste of your drink.

Some flavors are made by adding more milk and others add only add splash of milk.

Cortado is the only coffee flavor believed to be made with half espresso and half milk criteria. You can prepare Cortado with a ratio of 1:1 to get the desired taste. However, you can add a small volume of milk to get a strong taste.

It is the perfect balance of the pungent flavor of espresso with the creamy sweetness of milk when the ratio is 1:1. The amount of milk is just enough to mitigate the pungent taste of espresso.

Some prefer black coffee instead of milk while brewing coffee with a ratio of 1:1. Do you know the difference between black coffee vs espresso?

Let’s discuss and dive into the details of this coffee flavor.

Cortado coffee: a balance of milk and espresso

A Spanish coffee that is prepared with milk and espresso. The word “Cortado” means cutting the intensity of espresso with the addition of steamed milk.

It usually prepared with a ratio of 1:1. However, a Barista can make certain variations. Adding more espresso and slightly less milk to get a stronger coffee.

cortado coffee

Also, adding more milk and a short shot of espresso will make the drink sweeter and creamier. A Barista can ask you about your preference. Also, you can add flavors to make it sweeter and tastier.

How to make Cortado? Half espresso half milk recipe

Cortado is a simple and easy-to-make coffee flavor at home. I usually prefer to brew Cortado with a combination of equal parts of milk and espresso.


  • Fresh ground coffee
  • 2 ounces of Whole milk


  • First, brew a double shot of espresso with finely ground coffee. You need an espresso machine to make a strong concentrated espresso.
  • In the next step make steamed milk in a steam wand. Make sure to add the steamed milk and espresso with a ratio of 1:1. Ideally, prepare with the concept of half espresso and half milk.
  • Now pour steamed milk into the glass of espresso.
  • A cup of cortado is ready to enjoy.
adding espresso to milk

Taste of half espresso half milk (Cortado coffee)

Adding a high volume of milk to espresso makes it a less intense drink. It reduces the strong pungent taste of espresso with steamed milk. Drinks like cappuccino are made with less milk and more espresso have a strong taste.

So brewing a cortado gives a balanced, mellow taste.

How many coffee drinks are made with half espresso half milk?

Many drinks prepare the combination of milk and espresso but a few drinks brew with a ratio of 1:1.

The list of drinks made with half espresso and half milk is here.

  • Cortado
  • Gibraltar
  • Flat white

Check the difference between Cortado vs Gibraltar.

Even though you can make these flavors with slight variations in espresso or milk volume, a standard size adds a ratio of 1:1.

Check the difference between Cappuccino vs espresso.

half espresso half milk coffee cup


Half espresso half milk is a delightful smooth drink made with an equal ratio of milk and espresso. It’s a drink that you should try. In the coffee shop, you can order Cortado with a ratio of 1:1 to get a balanced taste.

Half espresso half milk: Is it the perfect coffee combination?
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Half espresso half milk: Is it the perfect coffee combination?
Cortado is the only coffee flavor believed to be made with half espresso and half milk criteria. You can prepare Cortado with a ratio of 1:1 to get the desired taste. However, you can add a small volume of milk to get a strong taste.
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