The summer season is around the corner. For coffee enthusiasts, picking the cold coffee for the season is their first priority. With time, new coffee flavors have emerged and have given dimension to the taste and aroma. Here, we compare two great iced flavors, i.e., iced flat white vs latte.
An iced latte is a milder, milkier, and sweeter coffee drink. And an iced flat white is a more pungent, bitter, and balanced coffee flavor.
Latte is an old coffee flavor that has entertained us with a taste aroma for decades. No flavor can compete with latte coffee. However, the flat white has emerged as a quality coffee flavor in recent times. Adding iced cubes to these drinks makes them cold, refreshing, and delicious.
Comparison between iced latte vs iced coffee.
In this comparison article, we discuss the differences between both drinks.
What is iced flat white?
A Flat white drink originates from New Zealand. This unique coffee flavor consists of espresso and milk. A combination of espresso and milk makes this drink smoother, creamier, and slightly bitter.
Actually, instead of espresso, it adds two shots of ristretto and doubles the volume of steamed and microfoamed milk. Ristretto is a shorter but more concentrated form of espresso.
Adding iced cubes makes this flavor cooler and more energizing.
What is an iced latte?
A known coffee flavor is prepared with espresso, milk, and iced cubes. It has a milder, sweeter, and creamier taste.
The latte generally uses two espresso shots, double the volume of steamed and foamed milk. And adding iced gives a delightful, refreshing, and cooler taste.
Iced flat white vs latte: what makes them two different drinks?
Apparently, both flavors add similar ingredients without any significant differences. However, if you look closely, you will see that there are certain dissimilarities between the two drinks.
Flat white is made with two ristretto shots, which are much more potent and more concentrated than espresso shots. The latte uses only two espresso shots that are stronger and bitter but less intense than the ristretto.
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Difference in the use of milk
Iced Flat white is prepared with a small ratio of milk to espresso, that is, microfoamed milk instead of steamed milk.
Microfoam is a finely textured milk foam created by whipping it during the steaming process. It creates tiny bubbles with smooth textures.
On the other hand, an iced latte, a milk-dominated drink, adds double the volume of milk. It usually makes steamed milk with slight foamed milk at the top. Due to the high volume of milk, the iced latte is sweeter and creamier than flat white iced.

Iced flat white vs latte: which drink is stronger?
The use of milk makes a difference between these flavors. An iced latte with a high ratio of milk is smoother and sweeter in taste. If you brew an iced latte with one espresso shot and double the volume of milk, it will be milder than an iced flat white.
While iced flat white uses less milk and two ristretto shots, it has an intense bitter taste. However, if you make an iced latte with two espresso shots, its bitterness increases.
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Iced latte vs iced flat white: which drink has more calories?
Any coffee flavor calorie content depends on the type of milk it adds, as well as other flavors or syrup. If we add sugar syrup, the calorie content will increase considerably.
Iced latte coffee has a heavy milk volume, so they have more calories than iced flat white coffee. One glass of iced latte contains 90 to 100 calories. An iced latte comes with 60 to 70 calories.
However, some prefer adding sugar or vanilla syrup to iced coffee flavors, which can lead to high calories.
Which drink has more caffeine, iced latte or iced flat white?
Caffeine content depends on the type of coffee beans and the type of roast.
If you brew an iced latte with one shot of espresso, it contains around 63 mg of caffeine. Two espresso shots will double the caffeine.
Iced flat white adds a ristretto shot, which means slightly more caffeine. Ristretto is smaller in size but has a more concentrated coffee flavor.
Iced flat white with two ristretto shots consisting of 130 to 140 mg of caffeine.
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Iced flat white vs latte at Starbucks
You can ask the barista for a customized flat white or latte iced at Starbucks. These flavors can be prepared with some variations using the brewing method.
At Starbucks, the barista usually adds one espresso shot, chilled milk, and iced cubes. You can ask to add any flavored syrup. If you like stronger coffee, you can ask for an iced latte with two espresso shots.
Iced flat white is prepared with two ristretto shots, unlike the espresso shot that we get in an iced latte. At Starbucks iced flat white, you can order baristas to add some flavors like vanilla or chocolate syrup.
If you’re a fan of the hot version of latte and flat white, the iced version will not disappoint you. Both drinks have certain qualities which make them unique and interesting.
It purely depends on which flavor you prefer. If you like milder, smoother coffee flavor, the iced latte during the hot season should be your preferred option.
While iced flat white is a sturdier coffee with certain variations. I personally prefer flat white over iced latte due to its full-bodied and bitter taste.