Why is liberica coffee different from other flavors?


If you like to drink distinctive flavors, here is the most exclusive and irresistible coffee taste. Liberica coffee is entirely different. If you love the uniqueness, this coffee will not disappoint you with its taste and aroma.

Do you know? Liberica is the third most consumed drink in the world. However, nearly 2% of the world’s population consumes liberica coffee. More interestingly, it grows on large trees with a height of almost 18m.

What is Liberica coffee?

Liberica is just another coffee flavor; however, it is prepared differently, and its taste and beans differ from regular coffee. It is only available in a few countries.

These coffee beans differ in shape from regular coffee beans. The liberica beans are larger with a rough outlook. These coffee beans mainly grow in only in few Asian and African countries.

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Why is Liberica coffee hard to find?

Basically, this coffee is not freely available in the market. It actually facing the danger of extinction. The farms producing Liberica beans shifted to other easy-to-harvest coffee beans like Arabica and robusta.

Still, most people are unaware of the flavor and aroma of these coffee beans. However, you can order these coffee beans and get them at home. It surely adds a new flavor to your taste buds.

These coffee beans are produced in only a few countries. That’s why these beans are more expensive than Arabica or robusta coffee beans.

What is the origin of Liberica coffee?

As the name suggests, Liberica coffee originated in Liberia, so it’s named Liberica coffee. Since these coffee beans are larger and different in shape than any other coffee beans, they grow in the low-altitude areas of Malaysia, the Philippines, and West Africa.

Liberica tastes differently from arabica and robusta coffees. Liberica beans also have different colors and shapes than arabica and robusta coffees. These beans are comparatively bigger and can grow in any soil and altitude.

What does liberica coffee taste like?

Liberica coffee beans have a dark chocolate color, finely ground with an exclusive smell. Liberica comes with a robust, smokey exclusive flavor. It has lower acidity compared to other coffee flavors.

Liberica has a smokiness in taste. Also, another flavor characteristic is that it has a hint of flavors similar to fruits like blackberries and jackfruit.

Due to its taste and aroma, this coffee may not be liked by everybody. The taste will develop over and you will begin to love it. I suggest you taste this unique and powerful coffee at least once. If you like this coffee, you can brew it regularly at home.

How much caffeine is in liberica coffee?

Interestingly, Liberica beans contain less caffeine than robusta and Arabica beans.

Robusta beans consist of 2.26g of caffeine per 100 grams of beans. Similarly, arabica beans have 1.61 grams of caffeine per 100 grams. Liberica beans come with only 1.23 grams of caffeine in 100 grams.

So you can drink more liberica coffee due to its low caffeine. Also, this drink is healthier than other drinks.

How much does it differ from Robusta coffee and Arabica coffee?

All three liberica, Arabica, and robusta beans have a unique taste and commercial importance worldwide. Arabica and robusta beans are widely consumed worldwide. In contrast, in liberica, beans consume only in a few countries. Liberica beans are the most expensive.

Comparison chart between liberica coffee beans vs Arabica coffee beans

Though robusta tastes somewhat similar to liberica coffee. Whereas arabica coffee beans have different tastes.

Also, robusta has a strong bitter taste, pretty similar to liberica. Arabica is known for its milder and sweeter taste.

liberica coffee beans

liberica beans on the right and arabica beans on the left.

Liberica beans are dark roasted in color and smell smoky.

What are Arabica beans?

Arabic coffee is a sweet and aromatic coffee that comes from Arabic plants. The Arabic coffee beans are somewhat different from liberica and robusta beans. It is essential to note that Arabica coffee beans are easy to grow, and the taste is liked by coffee lovers.

These coffee beans originate from Ethiopia. Since it spreads worldwide and is perhaps the most consumed coffee due to its sweeter and more flavorful taste.

Where to buy liberica coffee?

If you want something new with a unique taste, give this delicious coffee a try. The distinctive and robust coffee will provide you pleasing taste.

Liberica bean harvesting is expensive and less productive for farmers. Many farmers have shifted to Arabica and robusta beans.

Still, you can get liberica beans in America. There are websites exclusively selling liberica beans. You can try Amazon to get liberica beans at home.

Liberica coffee beans available in Malaysia

In Malaysia, you can quickly get liberica beans and brew them. Almost, 95% of liberica beans grow in Malaysia.

Malaysian people like the taste of liberica and use it throughout the day. You can easily get this coffee flavor in Malaysian coffee bars.

Liberica coffee or Barako coffee in the Philippines

Liberica coffee is known as Kapeng Barako in the Philippines. It is served black with added muscovado sugar.

In the Philippines, Barako coffee is usually served in the morning. The bitter taste of Barako coffee is equally loved by the older and new generations. In comparison to other trees, barako trees grow the largest.

Liberica coffee in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the largest coffee bean producers in the world. It produces a different variety of coffee beans. In the early years, liberica beans dominated harvesting in Indonesia. But with the arrival of robusta beans, the farmers divert to robusta.

Since robusta beans are smaller in size and easy to harvest. However, few provinces are harvesting liberica in large capacity.

What is Excelsa?

Excelsa is considered one of the varieties of liberica coffee. The excelsa grows on the same large trees and climate as liberica. However, the excelsa beans are different in shape and taste from liberica.

Excelsa comes in diverse flavors, and its aroma relates to berries and fruits. Due to a lack of awareness, excelsa hasn’t reached world markets.

 a coffee cup

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Bottom line

This unique coffee has an excellent strong taste. Few people prefer it over traditional drinks like robusta and Arabica.

Premium quality liberica beans can get you a high-class taste. You can’t ignore this coffee if you are a true coffee lover. I believe the future of liberica coffee is bright.

This coffee is the rarest flavor. Though its popularity will definitely grow in the coming years.

Why is liberica coffee different from other flavors?
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Why is liberica coffee different from other flavors?
Liberica is just another coffee flavor; however, it is prepared differently, and its taste and beans differ from regular coffee. It is only available in a few countries.
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