Shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew: Check Differences?

shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew

Coffee enthusiasts know the taste, aroma, and texture of these quality flavors. Each of these flavors has something unique and interesting that makes them high-quality and high-demand coffee drinks. Here, I am going to elaborate on the differences between shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew.

Shaken espresso an espresso drink is made with espresso and a splash of milk. Latte is milk milk-dominant flavor prepared with espresso and milk, and cold brew is a cold beverage made with ground coffee and water.

What is shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew?

The differences between these are significant and interesting to discuss in detail. It will make your choice easy for your next drink.

Also, check the biscoff latte recipe.

Shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew: different ingredients

While discussing the difference, the first thing that comes to mind is the ingredients. If you want a strong bitter coffee flavor, the shaken espresso should be your first choice. Cold brew is also a strong caffeinated drink, but it is a cold coffee.

The latte coffee is dominated by ¾ steamed milk and topped with foamed milk and one espresso shot.

Comparison Table

Shaken espresso adds two espresso shots and a slight volume of milk. You can add iced cubes in shaken espresso to make it cooler.

A cold is prepared with coarsely ground coffee beans and water.

cold brew

The difference in ingredients makes these drinks unique and worth trying.

Spanish latte is an amazing coffee drink.

Shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew: the difference in the brewing process

All three drinks have different brewing processes. So essentially the ingredient and brewing process make them significantly different drinks.

For the Latte, first, make one shot of espresso. Make double the volume of steamed milk and a layer of foamed milk at the top. Add steamed milk to the espresso shot and topped with foamed milk.

In shaken espresso, first, make two shots of espresso. Add espresso to the tight jar and add some iced cubes to it. Shake the jar to get a good mixture. Now add some milk at the top.

Cold brew has the longest preparation time. It requires the longest preparation time. In the first step, grind coffee beans to a coarse grind. Place the ground coffee in a container with water and let it soak for 12 hours at room temperature. Now strain using a coffee filter. Before serving, add some ice.

Also, check the differences between cold brew and espresso.

What is the difference in taste?

We now know that these are three different drinks with diverse flavors.

A latte is a smoother milk-dominated drink with some pungent espresso. With a large volume of milk, it tastes creamy and milky.

Shaken espresso has a much stronger and more intense coffee flavor with an airy texture. It has two espresso shots and only a splash of milk. So it tastes strong, bitter, and icy.

While a cold brew with a long steeping process reduces the intensity and makes it less acidic with a chocolaty nutty tone.

shaken espresso

The difference in calories

The latte has more calories than cold brew and shaken espresso. Since a latte has a high volume of milk, it tastes sweeter with more calories.

A shaken espresso with a small addition of milk has more calories than a cold brew. And a cold brew has almost no calories if no milk and sugar syrups are added.

A glass of latte has around 120 to 150 calories depending on the type and volume of milk.

Shaken espresso with a slight volume of milk has 40 to 60 calories.

A single cup of Cold brew has around 10 calories.

Difference in Caffeine

The caffeine content always depends on what types of coffee beans are being used.

A shaken espresso with two shots of espresso has around 140 mg of caffeine.

Cold brew a highly concentrated coffee has around 150 to 200 mg of caffeine.

Whereas a latte with one shot of espresso has 70 mg of caffeine.

Here is another drink half espresso half milk.

How do you decide which drink to drink and why?

All these drinks have certain qualities that we should keep in mind whenever we look to brew a flavor.

Latte is served hot, while cold brew and shaken espresso add iced cubes. You can also add iced cubes to the latte to get an iced latte.

Also, a latte is milky and creamier in taste with a slight strength of espresso. If you want to avoid the strong intense flavor of espresso the latte is the ultimate choice.

However, some prefer a less milky drink with a dominant espresso taste. The shaken espresso could be your first choice. Also, with the addition of iced cubes and splash of milk, it is refreshingly cold and delicious.

On the other hand, cold brew is a less intense drink with a unique brewing process. This drink should be your choice if you prefer pure immersed ground coffee. Also, it is served with iced cubes.

Here is the recipe for pour-over espresso.

Final thoughts

Latte is my favorite when if first started brewing coffee. With time I started liking other flavors especially cold coffee in summer. I tried shaken espresso when I wanted to avoid heavy milk.

Even though cold brew isn’t my favorite, but still a great flavor. Every beverage, latte, cold brew, and shaken espresso is worth trying drinks at home.

Shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew: differences explained
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Shaken espresso vs latte vs cold brew: differences explained
Shaken espresso an espresso drink is made with espresso and a splash of milk. Latte is milk milk-dominant flavor prepared with espresso and milk, and cold brew is a cold beverage made with ground coffee and water. The differences between these are significant and interesting to discuss in detail. It will make your choice easy for your next drink.
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